All that aside, we came up with concrete houserules for a couple of things last night.
Force Points
We haven't been using them hardly at all. So to incentivize their use, they are per session instead of per character level. And what can you do with them? One of three things:
- Roll 2d6, take the highest and add it to any single attack or skill check.
- Roll 2d6, take the highest, and add it to any defense score vs a single attack.
- Keep yourself from dying.
Damage Threshold and Condition Track
Hitpoint systems tend to keep characters fully functional until they have zero hitpoints. We wanted to see more of a decline in a character's effectiveness as they took damage. We also wanted to model the effects of taking big hits. To that end:
- Damage Threshold will only add 1/2 character level instead of full character level.
- Every 5 full points taken over Damage Threshold is another jump down on the condition track.
At the moment, three of the 4 of our characters have Improved Damage Threshold, which still makes up pretty hardy. But since we're 8th level, we'll each be dropping our score by 4 points.
If these rules seem to work okay, the next houserule is likely to change the attack and armor progression.