
Official Houserules 12/12/2012

We're in the middle of Sean's adventure. First we returned to Nar'Shabob to see if we could located Roopa, and to perhaps pick up some jobs from Mr. Melk. We contacted our old captain and did two quick missions. One was a simple cargo run, and the other was wiping out a gang in order to recover their stolen cargo of sniper rifles. Then we got a special mission to deliver Prakk to his family somewhere in Wild Space, which is where we are now, with a broken hyperdrive.

All that aside, we came up with concrete houserules for a couple of things last night.

Force Points
We haven't been using them hardly at all. So to incentivize their use, they are per session instead of per character level. And what can you do with them? One of three things:

  • Roll 2d6, take the highest and add it to any single attack or skill check.
  • Roll 2d6, take the highest, and add it to any defense score vs a single attack.
  • Keep yourself from dying.
Damage Threshold and Condition Track
Hitpoint systems tend to keep characters fully functional until they have zero hitpoints. We wanted to see more of a decline in a character's effectiveness as they took damage. We also wanted to model the effects of taking big hits. To that end:
  • Damage Threshold will only add 1/2 character level instead of full character level.
  • Every 5 full points taken over Damage Threshold is another jump down on the condition track.
At the moment, three of the 4 of our characters have Improved Damage Threshold, which still makes up pretty hardy. But since we're 8th level, we'll each be dropping our score by 4 points.

If these rules seem to work okay, the next houserule is likely to change the attack and armor progression.


Failure to Archive

I don't remember deciding to stop creating the session write-ups, but the last entry was in 2010, and it's now mid 2012.  So in the interest of preserving at least a basic outline of the course of our campaign, here's the timeline I've been able to derive from fragmented notes:

Charlie - Nervisa Mor

  • Combats, smuggling, bar fights, and medicinal herbs.

Mike - GSC-40756 and Neijwein

  • Moving rocks, insanity, depression, and contract scientists taken by Imperials.
  • Surviving scientist shoots another, falls from building, Roopa and Mallory are framed as assassins.

Matt - Nar Shabob, , Hestrom

  • Incompetent shadowrun.
  • Kidnap a bothan and punch his pregnant wife in the face.  And take her hostage. Compensate them for their trouble.
  • Follow thin lead to Alephnaught HQ, get captured, and barely escape being turned over to the Sith.

Sean - Weird Force/Hyperspace planet

  • Weird time-traveling Force/Hyperspace planet
  • Retrieved the cargo, barely defeated the Sith guarding it.
  • Tried to blow up the site, but something ate the explosion.

Charlie - Nervisa Mor

  • Hijinks at the spaceport, more smuggling, and Alephnaught mercs kill Gilbraith family.
  • Aquired a new ship when the buyers for the smuggled goods got greedy.

Matt - outside of the Dathomir system

  • Zombie plague, Togorian Mandalorian, and a narrow escape.

Mike - Er'Kit in the Noonian system, and New Holgha in the Shirub system

  • Blockaded system, and an offer from the Imperial Knights that Mallory couldn't refuse.
  • Kill two Sith on the planet, steal their ship, crash it a little when a Dovin Basal doesn't let them leave.
  • Agree to transport an emissary human (ex-slave) from a Vong settlement.
  • Mallory goes off with Imperial Knight Casslyn to start his training.
  • Party sells the Sith ship and gets relatively rich.

Matt - Havnevik

  • Droid insurgency against mercs and pirates who enslaved a Honopium mine.
  • Roopa takes off and leaves the party stranded.
  • Allied with Togorian Mando again (Chimdi), picked up trigger happy Nagai (Kray Silva).
  • Bought new ship from the droids, helped them regain control of the mine.

We've done more than I thought we would when we started this campaign, and it's been fun.  Sean's up next, and our characters are 8th level.  After only 2 years!