
Character Dossiers

Last night we laid down some ground rules for the game:
  • Unaligned.  No pure Jedi.  No pure Sith.
  • Unaffiliated.  We're between all of the major factions.
  • Max hit points at each level.
  • Max starting funds.
  • Starting equipment is not subject to restrictions, licenses, or black market pricing.
We spent most of the night trying to figure out what kinds of characters to play, and then starting the process of fleshing them out.  So far we've got:
  • Matt - Duros Scoundrel, possibly our pilot
  • Charlie - Masterless Human Jedi
  • Kevin - Twi'lek Scoundrel, slicer and security specialist
  • Sean - Chiss Noble, skilled in everything, with lots of money
  • Mike - Human Scout, ex-Imperial recon
It looks like Charlie is going to run our introductory adventure, but we need to supply him with our NPCs so that adventure hooks can be based on them.

I also brought a really large piece of styrofoam from a printer we just bought at work, and it looks like a rooftop designed specifically for Star Wars use.  I know.  Terribly exciting.

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