
No Seriously, We're Over Our Heads - 9/29 and 10/6 session recaps

The party hit both high, low, and middle class bars for info.  Prakk mingled at the high-class bar, but didn't appear to get any contacts.  He may have, but such information wasn't really relayed to his companions.  Treb and Mallory hit a dive bar and got the name of a hiring supervisor at a loading dock.  All of them went to the galactic version of an Applebees and got the name of an HR manager.

Prakk did some looking up on the public networks and came up with the address of the HR manager.

The party also rented a cheap and sleazy room in a flophouse with a network connection, and Prakk tried to hack the company.  He failed and drew down the police.  During the time they spent at the middle-class bar, Treb noticed on the news that they had a poor sketch of Mallory as the perp in the hacking investigation.

So what was the plan?  To kidnap the HR manager, use his credentials to get into the computers at the company, and then have Prakk hack it from the inside.

Treb shot out the video cameras in the back of the apartment building, and when the guards arrived to investigate, the party jumped them and rushed inside.  Prakk hacked the security system to silence the alarm while Treb and Mallory incapacitated the guards and took their uniforms.  While Prakk continued to hack down on the first floor, the other two went up to the HR manager's apartment.  They knocked on the door and told him it was an emergency, that he needed to come with them.  When he opened it up, they dropped him with a stun blast.

Treb wanted to make a quick getaway, but Mallory lingered a moment.  Then the guy's wife called out from the other room.  Mallory decided to go knock her out, so he went and punched her in the face.  Lovely.  So they got out of there, and went back down to Prakk.  Prakk had silenced the alarm, and then given all of the guards an injection to keep them unconscious for a while.

They then went up to the server room, broke in, and stole the holo cubes containing the video footage.  Back down in the parking garage, Treb hotwired a vehicle on the third try, and they made their escape.

They woke up their hostage, and in the course of the conversation discovered that there was no external network access to the company, that if they wanted to hack the records, they'd need to do it from inside the facility itself.  And to get in, the hostage would need his badge.  Which was back in his apartment.  He called the party 2nd rate thugs, and they admitted that they were more like 3rd or 4th rate thugs.  Prakk then knocked the guy out again with a shot.

Treb disabled the GPS on the vehicle so they couldn't be tracked, and then they went back to the apartment building.  It was around 3 or 4am.  No one was stirring.  So Mallory and Treb went back to the apartment and got the guy's clothes and badge, as well as grabbing his wife.

Prakk did a full med scan on her, since she looked bad after Mallory's punch, and found she was pregnant.  They woke up the hostage again and explained that they'd be holding his pregnant wife (by the way, congratulations!) while he and Prakk infiltrated the building so that Prakk could hack it.

The party is made up of certified geniuses.

So that's the plan now.

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